Its original name was Ellis Kadoorie School For Indians. Ellis Kadoorie set it up, an Indian Parsee who was later awarded knighthood. It was the first school in Hong Kong where Hindi and Urdu language

Your wedding dress is the essence of your special day. A spectacular wedding gown with an exquisite sense of simplicity and elegance is the very one you need to enhance your natural beauty .

🎁 免費語音意識和字母知識評估 🌈 配合多感官活動,掌握原音拼寫技巧,逐步加強聽、說、讀、寫能力,讓小朋友喜歡英文、提升自信和內在學習動機 🎁 首堂優惠

LIFETASTIC Patisserie 餐廳位於尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 4樓L406號舖

阿夫利拉麵 AFURI Ramen + Dumpling 餐廳位於尖沙咀彌敦道100號THE ONE 2樓 i.t orange forest

譽宴.星海 餐廳位於尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 18樓

煌府婚宴專門店 餐廳位於尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 13樓

The One 人文客棧 新竹縣旅館032號 新竹縣新埔鎮照門里6鄰九芎湖32號

One Taitung民宿 臺東縣民宿920號 臺東縣延平鄉桃源村11鄰昇平路192-8號
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